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Jun 26, 2011

TNEA 2011 Counseling guidelines

TNEA 2011 Counseling guidelines

• Candidates who are eligible will be called for TNEA 2011 counselling. The candidates will be called in order of the merit.
• The merit is based on the several factors, it is purely based on the merit and reservation. The candidate has to choose the relevant branch/college based on his interest.
• Initial pay deposit of Rs. 5000/- (Rs. 1000/- for SC/SCA/ST candidates) should be paid by Cash or DD and submit at the time of counseling.
• Note that the government have ordered concession to the candidates who are to be the first graduate in a family.
• The candidate has has to submit the following certificate at the time of TNEA 2011 counselling
    1. Joint declaration by the candidate and parent/guardian in the prescribed format mentioned in the website.
    2. In case if a candidate has submitted his important certificates in an institution in that case he/she has to submit a letter from the HOD of the institution.
    3. In that case the candidate has to submit the attested photocopies of certificates from the HOD of the instution.
    4. The candidates who are eligible have to appear TNEA 2011 counselling should attend two hours before along with original certificates.
• In case the candidate does not join after allotment he will get the refund of 80 % of the initial deposit.
• The candidate has to seek for the refund on or before 31.12.2011.
• The 69% reservation in TNEA 2011 is given belowOpen Competition 31.00 %
BC - 26.50 %, BC Muslim - 3.50 % Back ward class - 20.00 %, SC - 15.00 SC A - 3.00 %, ST - 1.00 %.

Anna University Enquiry Phone Number
044 2235 8265
044 2235 8266
044 2235 8267

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